Executions and killings

Related Title Description
1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Marie Christine Mutatsimpundu

Handwritten testimony by a female secondary school student from Nyarusange, Cell,  Nyamagara sector of Tambwe Commune in Gitarama Prefecture describing her experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Judith Mutegarugori

Handwritten testimony by a female secondary school student from Kiyanja Cell, Rwoga Sector of Masango Commune in Gitarama Prefecture describing her experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Rose Namahirwe

Handwritten testimony by a female secondary school student from Nyamirembe Sector of Commune Kayenzi in Gitarama Prefecture describing her experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Jean Paul Nambaje

Handwritten testimony by a male secondary school student from Cellule Rubona, Mbati Sector of Commune Mugina in Gitarama Prefecture describing his experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Sylivie Nikuze

Handwritten testimony by a female secondary school student from Dusenyi Cell, Rukina Sector of Masango Commune in Gitarama Prefecture describing her experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Joseph Mukasa Niyigenga

Handwritten testimony by a male secondary school student from Cellule Sunzu, Nyakogo Sector of Commune Masango in Gitarama Prefecture describing his experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Egide Niyomugabo

Handwritten testimony by a male secondary school student from Cellule Sunzu, Nyakogo Sector of Commune Masango in Gitarama Prefecture describing his experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Vincent Niyonsaba

Handwritten testimony by a male secondary school student from Rwesero Sector of Masango Commune in Gitarama Prefecture describing his experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Wellars Nsanzimana

Handwritten testimony by a male secondary school student from Masango Commune in Gitarama Prefecture describing his experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Immaculée Nyirahuku

Handwritten testimony by a female secondary school student from Karambi Cell, Karambi Sector of Masango Commune in Gitarama Prefecture describing her experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.


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