1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Mathias Munyangabe
Mathias Munyangabe, a boy from Nyamirembe Sector of Commune Kayenzi in Gitarama Prefecture, describes how only 6 people from his family of 18 survived the 1994 Rwanda genocide. Mathias tried to escape to Kabgayi, but he was arrested at roadblocks multiple times. He fled to Remera in Commune Taba where he was reunited with other family members. He also sought shelter in Nkoto, a forest in Nyamahuru in Commune Runda, and a camp for internally displaced persons. He left the camp and went to Sector Ngoma in Mugina where he worked as a shepherd in exchange for food and lodging.
Handwritten testimony by a male secondary school student from Nyamirembe Sector of Commune Kayenzi in Gitarama Prefecture describing his experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.