1994 Rwandan genocide testimony by Mélanie Umuhoza
Mélanie Umuhoza, a girl from Commune Mugina in Gitarama Prefecture, describes the rumors that circulated after the president's plane was shot down, including the claim that Tutsi would be killed as they were in 1973 and 1959. Tutsi houses were torched and livestock slaughtered. Mélanie escaped with other Tutsi to the home of a Catholic priest, but it was later attacked. Mélanie escaped but was stoned before she hid in bushes. While hiding in the bush, Mélanie heard her father screaming while he was killed, and she relates how this event traumatized her.
Handwritten testimony by a female secondary school student from Commune Mugina in Gitarama Prefecture describing her experiences during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.